Pilot What You Learn

Pilot What You Learn

Now that you’ve tested a version of your idea, it’s time to flesh it out. Pilots explore feasibility, sustainability and the business case that can lead to widespread adoption. While prototypes test a scaled down version of an idea, pilots focus on how the idea can be sustained.

Why It’s Important: A pilot can help us understand if our idea will have the intended impact. Trauma-informed pilots can consider the impact an idea has on residents, frontline staff and the business model.

What We Learned:

  • Take it step-by-step. While it can be tempting to move full steam ahead, piloting requires thoughtful iteration. Breaking an idea down into smaller steps can help identify what’s working and what could be changed.

  • Be willing to pivot. Successful tests don’t always translate to successful pilots. Be open to change.

  • Assumptions linger. Continue to question what solutions are resting on assumptions. Continue to challenge assumptions through testing and iteration.

  • Model trauma-informed leadership through coaching, honest feedback and celebration. Acknowledge when an idea isn’t working. Offer guidance and coaching to your team on how to change. Celebrate wins and learnings as equally useful.

  • Even if an idea “works” it may not address the root cause or solve the core problem. For example, a staff wellness day may be a welcome relief, but it does not address the underlying issue that staff feel overworked and under resourced. Keep asking for feedback from your primary user – in our case, residents and frontline staff.

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